• Kelling Inventive s.r.o.
  • Langrova 1207/1b
  • 627 00 Brno
  • Czech Republic
  • Tel.: +420 724 111 074
  • info@lap-trainer.com
  • http://www.lap-trainer.com
Economical laparoscopic trainer all-in-one

Economical laparoscopic trainer Home

Model Description Item
1.1 Home 1080p Full HD laparoscopic trainer all-in-one AT011

Aimed at providing young surgeons the possibility to gain the essential laparoscopic skills by practising in their free time

Desktop Laparoscopic trainer with cylindrical top

Desktop laparoscopic trainer Full HD with cylindrical top

Model Description Item
1.6 Student 1080p Full HD imaging on 22″ LED monitor AT016
1.7 Teacher Additional HDMI output for connecting to projector or second display AT017
1.8 Professor Computerized performance assessment, Full HD video recording AT018

The view angle can be changed by moving the camera along the groove in the perimeter of the canopy.

Laparoscopic training station with cylindrical top

Laparoscopic training station Full HD with cylindrical top

Model Description Item
1.6s Student 1080p Full HD imaging on 23″ LED monitor AT016s
1.7s Teacher Additional HDMI output for connecting to projector or second display AT017s
1.8s Professor Computerized performance assessment, Full HD video recording AT018s
Desktop Laparoscopic trainer with shperical top

Desktop laparoscopic trainer Full HD with spherical top

Model Description Item
2.6 Student 1080p Full HD imaging on 22″ LED monitor AT026
2.7 Teacher Additional HDMI output for connecting to projector or second display AT027
2.8 Professor Computerized performance assessment, Full HD video recording AT028

The camera is attached to the canopy by means of a ball joint. The tilting camera head enables the simulation of operating with a 0˚ and a 30˚ laparoscope. Possibility of training in a team.

Laparoscopic training station with shperical top

Laparoscopic training station Full HD with spherical top

Model Description Item
2.6s Student 1080p Full HD imaging on 23″ LED monitor AT026s
2.7s Teacher Additional HDMI output for connecting to projector or second display AT027s
2.8s Professor Computerized performance assessment, Full HD video recording AT028s